Share Your Experiences

The chances are that if you suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or [re]Adjustment Disorder, that you have had experiences of singificance in your life that were extreamly impactful, for better or for worse – experiences that made you realize your condition and possibly its severity.

Similarly, if you are the friend, family member, spouse of, or otherwise share a relationship with a person who exhibits signs and symptoms of any of the above disorders, you have had experiences with them of which gave you insight to the nature of the disorder and severity.

I would like to encourage each of you to share your experiences, in your own words. This way, each of us can read and see what others experience and feel like and maybe gain a better understanding of the complexity and sincerity of these “disorders”.

Please leave a reply below. 

Thank you, and Semper Fidelis.
Kristan M. Blanchard
Corporal, USMC

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